Thursday, June 11, 2009

Car Accident at Chendor Pahang.

(Korang baca la dulu...nanti aku edit kemudian)

Yesterday, 10 June 2009, 5:00 p.m I went back from my wife's hometown at Kerteh, Terengganu. During passing Terengganu and Pahang boarder near Chendor, Cherating, I found this excident just happen involving 3 cars.

2 cars was head to head colussion (Iswara Aeroback vs Myvi). The driver of these 2 car was trapped in between the dashboard and driver seat. As a qualified first aider, I reach my first aid kit (that always I brough in my car), and take out my medical rubber gloves. Dah macam dalam citer ER la pulak.

At first,I check the danger. The oil and fuel leak is portential of fire. 2nd, I check both drivers and found their are in conciouse. Then, I ask someone to call Ambulance and Bomba (rescue team).

Iswara driver (Malay guy), was pinched badly, and what I can do is ask him to stay calm and "stay with me son"(The Rock). The Myvy driver (Chinese guy), can be reliase, due to he can be squeze out slowly with 6 manpower.

After Myvi driver successfuly got out, other mission is to find his valuable item, a Sony Ericson. Sadly his handphone can not be found event I try to make a call, to trace it sound, but 2nd sadly the phone was in silent mode. Tak dapek den nak nolong.

After that, I tackle for the Iswara driver, many people from village nearby try to open the driver's door, but it stuck....dah tentu la...orang kampung, mana la diaorang tau. For the moment, I just can talk with victim, just light chatting, ask him were him from, any relative nearby, where he heading...bla..bla..bla.....but for sure I ask for his condition also...I ask what he feel on his leg...can he move the fingers, are he dizzy...bla..bla...bla...until......a lorry loaded with 2 mobile generator set was parked beside of the car.

The lorry driver use it's craine (attached from his lorry), to pull the car body to free the driver. First attempt is to open the driver's door by pulling it outward. But I quickly stop the attempt due to, if the door is pulling outward, the hinge will push inward and crash more badly the driver leg.

So the 2nd attempt is to put the hook at "A" frame (wind sheild frame) and pull it to frondward. The attempt was successfully free the driver's leg. After a short while, the rescue team was arived and continue to take out the victim.

Both drivers was send to nearest hospital (Hospital Kemaman). I think.

After the incident, I drove my car more carefully to JB.

12:00 a.m I arive to my home.